Dark Water
Mary Ann's translation of Sean Cooney's (The Young Uns) exquisite 'Dark Water' - the story of two refugees from the Syrian War - Hesham Modamani and Feras Abukhalil - who swam the perilous waters between Turkey and Greece in search of a new life and safety.
The journey was made overnight, beneath the Mediterranean stars, and Hesham and Feras's story now forms part of the Blas Festival 2016 New Music Commission for Mary Ann Kennedy and Nick Turner - 'Beul na h-Oidhche gu Camhanaich' - 'Mouth of the Night to First Light' - a celebration of our fascination for the night skies.
Mary Ann and Sean shared 'Dark Water' first during a wonderful week working with Aldeburgh Young Musicians at Snape Maltings.
Eadar-theangachadh de dh'òran tiamhaidh Sean Cooney bhon chòmhlan, The Young Uns - sgeulachd dithis eilthireach òg a' teicheadh bho chogadh Syria, agus a shnàmh dubh-linne nan uisgeachan eadar an Turc agus a' Ghrèig a' sireadh comraich.
Shiubhail iad tron oidhche, fon reul-sholas, agus tha sgeulachd Hesham is Feras a-nis na phàirt de choimisean ceòl ùr Fèis Bhlas 2016 do Mhàiri Anna NicUalraig agus Nick Turner- 'Beul na h-Oidhche gu Camhanaich' - 'Mouth of the Night to First Light' – fèill ga dhèanamh air ar dàimh le na reultan gu h-àrd.